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Group members get free ads.  Ads will run for 3 mos. Please notify me when items are sold. Email your ads to:
Please make ads 75 words or less, with up to 6 pictures.  You may also submit a sales list and I'll make a link to it.This is a great way to sell horses and horse related items. Alamo Mini Harness Club group is not responsible for the content or the quality of items in classified ads. 
Alamo Mini Harness Club 

                         Cob Sized Cart For Sale

Two wheel wooden practice cart for sale. Please contact owner below for further information. Should work for a horse 13.2 - 14.2 hands.

Length from singletree to tip of shaft -  72 1/4in      
Widest width between shafts 30"                                  Narrowest width between shafts 24 1/2"
Height from ground to top of wheel 38 1/2"   
Height from top of seat to ground 32 1/2"

Please contact Rebecca at (210) 788-8949.
Asking $1000 or best offer